Thursday, July 12, 2018

True belive can solve every problem

True belive can solve every problem. All of your problem’s are solved under the guideness of HOLYQURAN The famous Aalam of the world Qualified from Saudi Arabia and Iran. Free Istikhara Solve All of your problem’s are solved under the guideness of Holy Quran & also with ILME JAFER & ILME NOORI. Women will for example seek appreciation and security out of a relationship while a man would be more focused on admiration and loyalty. Men like to feel significant in the relationship and in life in general. A good marriage expert like Dr. Ellen Kreidman PhD gives approaches that help women secure that emotional security for their men. One of the courses (Light his Fire) helps women make the husband feel good about himself and that inner change transfers into a healthier relationship. You can now get good alternative marriage counseling in Newport Beach without having to dwell on the spouse’s mistakes. These amazing audio courses by Dr. Ellen Kreidman PhD help the partners to rediscover:- • Romance and appreciation. • Admiration and loyalty. • Spontaneity. Transform into a new revitalized self. Be a new lover If you have already made attempts to solve the marital problems by having talk sessions with each other but they always end up in bitter exchanges, listening to the downloadable messages (also available in a CD box set) is a recommended solution. A wife can now buy an audio course for the husband to listen privately. Now, a determined wife can take a marriage counseling Newport Beach audio course and nobody will realize. A remarkable change in how the couple communicates or settles any other conflicts that may arise is just the surest sign that some new information is helping the marriage to blossom. Alternative marriage counseling for women should be your first resort It is all too natural for men and women to bottle up their feelings even when they are in a counseling session. Having separate marriage counseling sessions is not the most affordable way around it either. The wide range of audio courses work in individual situations and also where the couples decide to listen to the lessons and make it a point to apply what is taught. The light her fire, light his fire and light your fire among other available courses can help you and your spouse be what you were meant to be. The caring , loving and sensitive spouses that chose to marry. • Stop blaming and start living. It is your responsibility, and not your partner's, to feel better and to heal. Your partner will be responsible to you, but not for you. So it's useful to ask yourself, "Why did I draw this person into my life and what is it that I need to learn from this instead of blaming?" A good marriage grows you up. • Avoid the fixer-upper syndrome. We think we can fix up our partner and shape them up to perfection, our perfection. So many people marry for potential. Never marry just for potential. • Made a promise to keep integrity. Do not hold onto victim hood like a prize. This doesn't allow one to grow. Work on behaviors that make your partner want to change by being kind and loving. Vent what you are feeling without being out of control. • Eliminate attack thoughts. These thoughts are incredibly destructive over time. 

If you attack other people and attack yourself and your thoughts, it really interferes with your happiness and with your peace of mind. Learn to find joy even in difficult times. As Mother Theresa once said, "Our best protection is a joyful heart." • Do not hold onto anger. Holding onto anger is like drinking Drano. Turn attack thoughts into something constructive. Istikhara For Marriage And Think thoughts that are appreciative of your partner and express them often. Build up an emotional bank account so you have positive emotion currency when angry times come. • Wake up without makeup. On soap operas I see women wake up first thing in the morning with all their makeup and false eyelashes, and that's not real. What we need to do in a marriage is to learn to be more and more real, and more and more safe to be who we truly are. • Wake up and make up. It is very important for couples to learn to repair after a fight. Keep trying to find solutions. Do not get stuck rehashing the past. Live in the present, and find ways to keep your marriage buoyant and alive. • If you want to change your relationship, change yourself. Reinvent yourself, because you're not going to be able to change your partner. Learn to love in a mature way without trying to control or manipulate. C.S. Lewis once said , "To love without control or manipulation is to be surprised by joy." You will be truly surprised by joy when you can live in the moment with that other person. • A marriage crisis makes it difficult to process information. If you are trying to save your marriage, I hope you will find this article to be helpful in taking a step back and thinking about your perceptions. • Let's face it: we all go through every day, even every hour of the day making assumptions. We have to. Otherwise, we are constantly caught trying to check everything out. This morning, I got in my car, turned the key, put the car in gear, and off I drove. I didn't take the time to check the brake cables, or really any other part of the car. I just assumed it would work. • On my drive to the office, I assumed that other drivers would follow the rules of the road. They would stop for stop lights, go the speed limit (or some close approximation), and would stay on their side of the road. I had to make that assumption, or I would be trying to process too much information. • Those kinds of assumptions that we make help us to live our lives in worlds with too much information. We basically take shortcuts through the information with our assumptions. But those assumptions can go much deeper. • For example, we make assumptions on what someone believes when they say they are a Democrat or a Republican. Often, these assumptions prove accurate. But sometimes, a Republican holds some traditionally Democratic beliefs, and vice versa. Then, our assumptions may get us into trouble. We might speak to someone, assuming their beliefs, and find we have offended them.

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